New Year Road Trip [1/3]

A must read, travel through the winding roads of India…

Trips to Treats

The Plan – 29th December 2017

A new year without a story to tell is as good as a dish without salt: bland, dull, uninteresting. The excitement of welcoming a new year with the same zeal just dies down.

Our new year’s eve plan was heading in the same direction.

With multiple destinations on our list being struck off due to several reasons (read: unfavorable weather conditions, exorbitant hotel rates etc.) we were squandering for a place to escape the cold and f(sm)og engulfing Delhi.

My sister talked highly about an offbeat and unheard tourist spot frequented by foreigners rather than locals. She suggested we couple it with a nearby world heritage site and make it a memorable trip. The suggestion was met with enthusiasm from all corners barring one who thought “temple hopping” on new year’s was quaint to say the least. But I somehow knew that the trip…

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